The best slicing techniques in badminton!
If you’re going to slice in your game of badminton - why not choose the best way of slicing?
Badminton slicing techniques accomplish two things:
1. Causes the shuttle to spin.
2. Alters the angle of your return to your opponent.
As a result, the opponent believes that you will slice the shuttle at the last moment by noting the direction of your racket head. Slicing also induces a curved path in a shuttle due to its spinning motion. The curved path further complicates the return to your opponent. Have you ever heard something so conniving and brilliant?
Badminton slicing techniques can be performed in so many ways. You will find one that is perfect for you, trust me!
1. Slice proper: During the last moment of contact, the racket face is angled inwards. In other words, even though the racket head appears to move forward toward the opponent's eyes, the shuttle will actually travel across the court.
2. Reverse slice: In this slice, the racket face is angled outwards instead of inwards, confusing the opponent in the same way.
When playing badminton, right-handed players can play the slice properly in the right-hand corner of the court. In the left-hand corner of the court, he also plays the reverse slice. Using this method, he can avoid hitting the shuttle out of the left or right side borders of the court. Depending on which side of the court his opponent is guarding, he can slice the shuttle in either direction if he is in the center of the court. So much slicing talk, but what about the technique? Well…
Badminton slicing techniques can be used to play a variety of shots. Some examples include:
Sliced drop shot
When the opponent thinks he will get a smash or straight clear, he actually receives a drop shot that comes down steeply as it clears the net.
Sliced low serve
A slice is used to confuse the opponent with a normal low serve. A slice can be narrow or wide.
Low slices are used to simply make the shuttle make a steep landing after it crosses the net without making any changes in direction. In addition, slicing creates a wobble, which makes it difficult for the opponent to time and plan his return.
A sliced wide low serve is used to fool the opponent into thinking a wide or low straight serve is being used. In this case, a right-handed person serves with the racket head moving from left to right, but the shuttle moves to the left.
Sliced smash
When the opponent doesn't know which side the player is going to hit, they are confused. Another advantage is that slice or reverse sliced smashes allow shuttles to be guided in directions that would otherwise be impossible with routine smashes.
Tumbling net shot
To execute this shot, slice the shuttle at its base from underneath. That will make it tumble over the net more quickly. There are two ways to surprise your opponent. As a result, the shuttle falls faster than expected, and as a result, he cannot plan his stroke until the shuttle stops tumbling.
And there you go - have fun slicing!
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